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On kindle and paperback
Apr 27
Kingdong Hards for PlayStation 2
Donald, Goofy, and Sora fight the hordes of Hardless, thrusting and busting evil Dicney villains who use The Hardless like pawns.
Mar 24
Stuart Belittle
The moment The Littles make their decision to adopt him, Stuart berates his fellow orphans for having been picked-over for a mouse.
Mar 21
Flay's Hand Peeled Skin Chips
Skin chips are hand peeled & fried to dry, flaky perfection. Naturally salty, our crispy boys are sure to satisfy any cannibalistic cravings
Mar 20
Falanel | Flannel-Coated Falafel
Our employees painstakingly clothe magma-hot falafel in flannel, creating our trademark product: FALANEL
Mar 10
Nunyuns | Onion Flavored Halos
Relief instantly washes over you, as Nunyun holes are large and famously not tight. Sticking one's finger in a Nunyun gives no satisfaction.
Mar 3
AirBud vs MVP
The animals' bodies begin to grow. A little. They grow, like, almost a foot bigger. It's super intense.
Dec 28, 2023
Baldur's Gait
Baldur's Gait is finally here for an Xbox360. Come see and watch all the horses walking that you could for ever ask.
Nov 12, 2023
Guy-Burst | Hair Gel-Infused Candy
It feels like I swallowed a live hedgehog. It's like my esophagus is a window curtain, and that blue candy I swallowed was Garfield.
Nov 12, 2023
Heir Fryer | The Answer to Problematic Progeny
Once your unwanted progeny has entered the chamber (in the hopes of getting his freak on), shut the door behind him and release the flames!
Oct 9, 2023
Disney PIXAR Presents: Boratatouille
The health inspection was not great success. But the soup was to die. And die they did do. High five!
Jul 13, 2023
Hot Sockets
Upon first bite the Hot Socket burns my mouth in 2 ways. 1st the marinara instantly perforates the roof of my mouth with second-degree burns
Jun 2, 2023
Chewee's Caramels OOPS! All Salt
We made Gerald try out one of these heavily-salted caramels. After eating one, Gerald was speechless.
Jun 1, 2023
Dong Smasher 2K23
In a land ruled by dongs, only one dongless individual can stand up and say, "No dongs for me, please."
Apr 24, 2023
Chodelula Hot Sauce
What if hot sauce could stretch out your insides without wrecking you deep, deep in your intestines?
Apr 11, 2023
Pre-Kissed Grits
Y'all ever get tired of folks hollering at you, "Kiss my grits"? Just whip out a box of Albers Pre-Kissed Grits and tell them "No thanks."
Mar 22, 2023
Mussolini Cuisini | Frozen Entrée Ration
The only frozen dinner for one that's actually meant to be split between the whole family. In fact, that's our slogan.
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