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Mar 6, 2024
Cunnilanguish | Medical Diagnosis
Treatment includes but is not limited to: Sighing loudly or making fart sounds with your mouth during foreplay

Aug 12, 2019
Diagnosis: 'Running With Caesars'
Impotent M.D. Are you or a loved one suffering from the hurtful connotations associated with eating an exorbitant amount of salad? It's...

Jul 28, 2019
Diagnosis: Hellacopter
"My boy Zack is hella strong; I once saw him bench press a bench press that someone was actively using."

May 28, 2019
Procedure: VASEctomy
Tired of having kids but short on cash? Just stick your dick in a vase until it shatters, severing your vans deferens

Apr 29, 2019
Contagion: The Yawns
Just think of the sorts of creatures who could take advantage of your parted lips and fly right in.

Apr 22, 2019
Look out for our upcoming flavor, "Offshore Breeze," that guarantees those within a 16 meter radius will smell what your Rock is cooking.

Mar 27, 2019
Diagnosis: Conkushion
Impotent M.D. Did you just take a fatty hit off a blunt the size of Andre the Giant's pinky finger? Is your head the lightest it's ever...

Mar 20, 2019
Impotent M.D. Impotent M.D. has teamed up with the Impotent Products division to bring the people life-saving technologically savvy hopes...

Mar 15, 2019
Diagnosis: Tetwrist
Are you suffering from wrist pain after putting in time jerking your joystick while playing the world's favorite block-busting game, Tetris?

Mar 11, 2019
Diagnosis: Rheumatoid Darthritis
Pain in your hand after a Sith Master instructed you to kill more Younglings than you signed up for? Diagnosis: Rheumatoid Darthritis

Feb 16, 2019
9/10 Dentists Use Captain Crunch to Perform Gum Surgery
Impotent M.D. Modern technology can't compare to Quaker Oats' Captain Crunch pieces at slicing into the human mouth. Why use anything...
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